Folklore in cross-border region - key to European cultural identity

Project code:CB007.2.13.173
Project call:CB007.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:1.3 People-To-People Networking
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:15
Project final contract amount:146522.00 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:12.11.2020
Project end date:11.02.2022
Project intervention field:109 - Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation, and improving employability
Project summary:

The project aims to promote the cultural and historic heritage of the Razanj and Bobov Dol border region and support the local community and art centers in their effort to preserve these cultural heritages and the cultural exchange across the border.

Project activities:

  1. Elaboration of a common strategy for cross-border cultural cooperation and promotion of sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage between Razanj and Bobov Dol;
  2. Supply of equipment by the Municipality of Razanj;
  3. Supply of equipment by the Municipality of Bobov Dol;
  4. Organization of cultural festival in Razanj;
  5. Organization of cultural festival in Bobov Dol;
  6. Elaboration of catalogue "Folklore, rituals and traditions in Municipality of Razanj";
  7. Elaboration of catalogue "Folklore, rituals and traditions in Municipality of Bobov Dol".

The expected results and outputs of the project will include the elaborated common strategy for cross-border cultural cooperation and promotion of sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage between Razanj and Bobov Dol, the supplied sound, stage and music equipment in the two municipalities, two 3-day festivals in the two municipalities, and elaboration of a catalogue for the folklore, rituals and trtaditions of Razanj and Bobol Dol.

The target groups of the project are the local stakeholders from cultural and community centers, art, dance, folklore and theatre clubs, craftsmen, volunteers and tourist agencies from the two municipalities.    


Publication 1

Publication 2

Publication 3

Publication 4

Publication 5


Leading partner
Municipality of Razanj
Municipality of Bobov Dol