Project code:CB007.2.11.180
Project call:CB007.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:24
Project final contract amount:698625.27 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:23.02.2021
Project end date:22.02.2023
Project intervention field:075 - Development and promotion of tourism services in or for SMEs
Project summary:

The project proposal aims to invest in a multifunctional indoor sports complex in Kostinbrod and a swimming pool in the village of Dushnik of Gadzin Han, creating favorable conditions for joint sports activities and practicing sports tourism in the region. Planned activities:

  1. Construction of a multifunctional indoor sports facility in Kostinbrod;
  2. Reconstruction of the swimming pool in Dushnik, Gadzin Han Municipality;
  3. Developing a Single Cross-Border Strategy and Joint integrated product for the Development of Sports and Adventurous Tourism in the Municipalities of Kostinbrod and Gadzin Han Activity;
  4. Two-day discussion at a round table on "Cross-border identity in favor of sports tourism";
  5. Specialized training seminar "Starting a business in the field of sports tourism".

Expected outputs:

  1. Newly-built indoor sports facility in Kostinbrod;
  2. Reconstructed swimming pool in the village of Dushnik;
  3. Established conditions for the development of sport tourism in the municipalities of Kostinbrod and Gajin Han and the cross-border area;
  4. Developed joint cross-border strategic document providing additional economic development and competitiveness of the municipalities of Kostinbrod and Gajin Han as sport tourism destinations and supporting the sustainable development of the tourist area in the cross-border region;
  5. Developed integrated tourist product, created tourist packages, increased interest in tourist resources on the territory of the partner municipalities;
  6. Created opportunities for exchange of experience and good practices, partnership, dialogue and interaction among stakeholders in the field of sports tourism;
  7. Promoted sports tourism;
  8. Successfully held training seminar in the municipality of Gajin han and trained 40 certified participants;
  9. Increased capacity of the participants in developing and implementing approaches to starting a private business in the sphere of sports tourism.

Target groups are the following organizations from the municipalities of Kostinbrod and Gadzin Han: institutions engaged with development of sports tourism, including sports clubs, civic organizations, tourist centers, etc.; tour operators and tourist companies, guides, hoteliers (family hotels, houses and guests) and restaurant owners, owners of accommodation sites; representatives of local businesses,  related to the development of sports tourism: construction companies, retailers, transport companies; entrepreneurs, who want to start a business in the field of sports tourism.


Leading partner
Municipality of Kostinbrod
Municipality of Gadžin Han