The school - a place where we support young people for a healthy lifestyle

Project code:CB007.2.22.099
Project call:CB007.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:2.2 People-To-People Networking
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:15
Project final contract amount:121029.00 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:30.05.2020
Project end date:03.12.2021
Project intervention field:055 - Other social infrastructure contributing to regional and local development
Project summary:

The project overall objective is to strengthen networking among educational institutions in the CB region and more specifically to improve the conditions, knowledge and skills related to students’ psychical behavior in the school.

Project activiites include:

  1. Analysis of current situation in the schools through screening and survey among students;
  2. Establishement of pilot classrooms - supply of equipment;
  3. Design and production of promotional materials;
  4. Production of video training lessons for students;
  5. Training for trainers - with participation of active stidents from pilot schools;
  6. Demonstration lessons in the schools in the region;
  7. Supervision in the schools for checking the progrees made by students;
  8. Organization of event - A day of free movement in the class - in both countries.

Expected outputs:

  1. 2 meetings organized with 30 participants;
  2. Screening done in 40 classes, survey with 400 respondents;
  3. Supplied equipment for 6 schools;
  4. Produced 1200 t-shirts, 1200 stress balls, 14000 leaflets, 90 stickers; 15 informational boards;
  5. Produced 8 video training lessons for students, broadcasted through created channel in video media;
  6. Conducted Training for trainers - with 36 participants;
  7. 40 demonstration lessons held in the schools in the region, 600 participants;
  8. 18 supervision session held for checking the progrees made by students in pilot schools;
  9. Carried out 2 events - A day of free movement in the class - in both countries.

The target group of the project are students from Kyustendil and Nish regions and school management and teachers from the schools in both regions.


YouTube channel:



Leading partner
Association NIE INdependent Innovative UnitEd
Citizens’ Association Institute for Progress and Collaboration of the Western Balkans Region