1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:

Verka Karabacheva

Contact person: 
Verka Karabacheva
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The main objective of the project is to increase the potential of the target group in order to meet the needs of senior tourists through creating a common and innovative tourist product for seniors’ tourists +55 and an adequate database and routes suitable for tourists + 55.

The project activities are:

  1. Conducting of a research on senior travel needs and EU best practices;
  2. Elaboration of database for senior tourism product development in Zajecar and Vidin region;
  3. Shooting of promotional movies of the new senior tourism product;
  4. Conducting of a Social media campaign;
  5. Conducting of a Workshop on senior tourism product development;
  6. Testing tour for senior tourism product;
  7. Elaborating of a strategy for senior tourism product development in Vidin-Zajecar Cross-Border region.                                                            

The expected results are:

  1. Conducted research on senior travel needs and EU best practices here;
  2. Improved capacity of the target group to meet the needs of senior tourists;
  3. Established common and innovative tourism product for senior tourists + 55;
  4. Established adequate database and routes suitable for tourists + 55 here;
  5. Promoted tourist product for seniors + 55 via social media here;
  6. Elaborated strategy for senior tourism product development in Vidin-Zajecar Cross-Border region.                                         

The target groups are tourism providers (hoteliers, restaurants, SMЕ in the field of tourism), civil sector dealing with tourism and with seniors, local authorities, tourism agencies and tour operators.

Videos: here

YouTube: here

Facebook: Tourism for seniors, 55+ experiences

Instagram: here

Website: http://seniortourismbgrs.eu/


Encho Enchev

Contact person: 
Encho Enchev
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Stela Varbanova

Contact person: 
Stela Varbanova
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:

Anelia Lilkova

Contact person: 
Anelia Lilkova
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
3.2 Nature Protection

Teodora Kostova

Contact person: 
Teodora Kostova
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Biljana Avramovic

Contact person: 
Biljana Avramovic
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Uros Parlic

Contact person: 
Uros Parlic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking

Miljana Nenadov

Contact person: 
Miljana Nenadov
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

Development and promotion of tourism products and services for supporting alternative tourism in the municipalities of Kyustendil and Leskovac.

Specific objectives:

  1. Creating a digital virtual reality tool for supporting tourism marketing;
  2. Supporting SME-s in the cross-border region by implementing inventory and piloting the presentation of 20 sites in virtual reality;
  3. Strengthening the CB cooperation and development of the potential through exchange of good practices, visits and trainings to end users and staff.

Planned activities:

  1. Development of a software of a virtual reality platform for visualization and promotion of the tourism potential on specific tourist site;
  2. Research and analysis of the local economic operators in the field of tourism;
  3. Production of photo, video and VR content for visualization and promotion of the selected local tourism operators;
  4. Presentation of the platform features and standard template and trainings of end users;
  5. Two-days training session of the project partners team for administering the platform and sustain the visual quality;
  6. Organization of a CB event in Kyustendil - participation in one of the traditional festivals;
  7. Organization of a CB event in Leskovac - participation in the Leskovac Grill festival;
  8. Design, development and dissemination of promotional materials.

Outputs achieved:

  1. VR platform for visualization and promotion of the tourism potential in English, Bulgarian and Serbian, including functionalities: - an interactive map of the cross-border area - tools - flat and panorama photographs, flat and panorama videos, active spots description of the objects included in the VR environment;
  2. Research and analysis of the local tourism economic operators, including recommendations for possible tourism operators to be included in the platform (piloted 20 local economic operators - 10 from Kyustendil and 10 from Leskovac), mid and long term possibilities for VR visualisation and presentation (at least 20 more tourism operators);
  3. Assignment of the platform content, including categorization, algorithms and rules;
  4. Standard template for passportisation of a tourism site including description of the site, main features, target tourists, photo/video on demand;
  5. Two training session for end users of the platform withat least 20 end users trained in each municipality, total of 40 for the CB region - one training in Kyustendil and one training in Leskovac and two-days training session of the project partners with at least 6 persons from the project partners (3 from NF 21 Century Association and 3 from the EC in Leskovac) trained;
  6. Participation in one of Kyustendil traditional festivals of at least 20 persons from Leskovac, and at least 20 persons from Kyustendil. Project platform promoted during the event and 200 persons made aware of its features;
  7. Participation in Leskovac Grill festival of at least 20 persons from Kyustendil, and at least 20 persons from Leskovac. Project platform promoted during the event and 200 persons made aware of its features.
  8. Increased tourism attractiveness and visibility of the destinations – the cities of Leskovac and Kyustendil;
  9. One newly established touristic product servicing the CB area of Kyustendil and Leskovac;
  10. Four tools developed and implemented for marketing and promotion of tourist products in the CB area of Kyustendil and Leskovac.

Target groups: 130 local tourism economic operators and employees from hospitality sector; 50 tour operators and tourist associations; 1000 tourists searching for alternative or targeted tourism services and markets; 14 representatives of local government authorities, dealing with issues of digitization and promotion of tourism in the target area; 120 representatives of local cultural institutions and their associations concerned with digital culture, tourism and culture in general (museums, theatres, cultural centers, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, tour guides, electronic media, craftsmen); 30 local communities - agricultural, cultural and civil.



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