1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:

Biljana Nikolic

Contact person: 
Biljana Nikolic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Antoaneta Angelova Stoilova

Contact person: 
Antoaneta Angelova Stoilova
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking

Milica Milosavljevic

Contact person: 
Milica Milosavljevic
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The main project objective is increasing the touristic attractiveness through development of CB tourist products in the field of traditional crafts and folklore.

The project activities are:

  1. Organizing of a Training Pottery Studios in Burzia, Montana (Bulgaria) and Grkinja, Nisava (Serbia);
  2. Organizing of trainings in pottery crafts;
  3. Organizing of Folklore dances for crafts;
  4. Organizing of Folklore and Crafts fair.

The expected results are:

  1. Developed new tourist product, based on Pottery and Folklore - operating training pottery studios and annual open-air Folklore and Crafts fair;
  2. Developed promotional tools for placement of the the new tourist products placement - Folklore and Crafts Fair media advertising and mirror events in Burzia, Montana and Grkinja, Nisava.

The project' target groups are: Young, adult and elderly people, tourists interested in traditional craft and folklore; Members of folklore groups.


PP2 website

Documentary movie


Tsvetelina Hubenova

Contact person: 
Tsvetelina Hubenova
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
: %
Project summary:

Project is aimed at initiating a critical mass providing natural and cultural heritage sites in Via Militaris with an added value, contributing to an improved touristic exploitation of their potential, thus capturing economic benefits for population in cross border region.

The anticipated project activities are: project coordination and management; initial analysis of Via Militaris destination; Assessment of the proposed sites and creation of the joint concept; Living Lab experiment and co-creation; Formulation of the sustainable action plan for Via Militaris; Promotion and dissemination Following the initial analysis of shared touristic potentials of Via Militaris region and their capacities and direct interaction between stakeholders during the workshops and field visits, an experimental Living Lab methodology will be used in co-creation of new touristic concept and sustainable action plan of Via Miltaris together with end users. New concept will be promoted in innovative ways and sustainability secured for 5 years after the project implementation.

Expected results of the project are developed concept for Via Militaris common cross border tourism destination with sustainable action plan that is attractive and affordable for tourists, competitive in times of the economic crisis and able to preserve and enhance the shared values and identity of BG-SR cross border area; created touristic product under brand Via Miliaris-A corridor for sustainable tourism development; created innovative web based tourist infomation and co-creation tool - Living Lab platform and mobile application; stimulating interaction and creating developmental alliances between individuals, businesses and institutions in CBC area.

Useful links:

Website: www.viamilitaris.net

Instagram profile: visitviamilitaris

Facebook page: Via Militaris Living Lab

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQpUTi-HOgL714Hraw38Q

YouTube videos:             




Dragica Ivanovic Jocic

Contact person: 
Dragica Ivanovic Jocic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking

Ekrem Isufi

Contact person: 
Ekrem Isufi
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:

Marija Stankovic

Contact person: 
Marija Stankovic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.2 People-To-People Networking

Dasic Toma

Contact person: 
Dasic Toma
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection


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