3.1 Joint Risk Management

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Project summary:

The project objective is to improve the capacity of the project partners in terms of infrastructure, equipment, know-how and public support to prevent and mitigate the consequences of flood disasters locally and on CB level. 

The project activities include:

  1. Construction works for flood defense and procurement of equipment for sanitation of rivers;
  2. Measures for natural water retention on the territories of Knjazevac and Rila Municipalities;
  3. Joint trainings on flood risk prevention and management;
  4. Exchange of experience.

Project results and outputs:

  1. Supplied equipment in Municipality of Knjazevac - a supporting wall built on the Rila River banks;
  2. Afforested areas in both municipalities;
  3. Improved capacity of local specialists on joint risk management;
  4. Improved capacity of local volunteers and civil protection organizations to act in a coordinated manner in the event of a disaster on both sides of the border.           

Target Groups of the project are local and regional government bodies; Local and regional structures dealing with emergency situations; CB population living downstream of intervention areas; Visitors to Rila Monastery.

Website: https://ipa-greeninfrastructure.com/


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Project summary:

The project general objective is: To prevent and mitigate the consequences оf man-made cross-border disasters in the region Vidin-Zajecar.

The project envisages: Supply of equipment for Vidin, Supply of equipment for Zajecar, Demonstrational cleaning of two landfills in Vidin, Demonstrational cleaning of two landfills in Zajecar, Exchange of experience for employees of Municipality of Zajar in Vidin; Training to enhance capacity in the field of disaster prevention related to human activities, Development of detailed research on the cross-border impact from illegal dumps on the territory of the municipality of Vidin and municipality of Zajecar.

Project website: https://vidin-zajecar-cbc.info/en/


Teodora Kostova

Contact person: 
Teodora Kostova
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Miljana Nenadov

Contact person: 
Miljana Nenadov
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

MIlivoje Jovanovic

Contact person: 
MIlivoje Jovanovic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Metodi Mitkov Mitev

Contact person: 
Metodi Mitkov Mitev
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection
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Project summary:

Project objectives are No. 1: Investments in equipment related to flood risk reduction and flood damage removal which consists of obtaining four work machines and one transportation vehicle. No. 2: Cleaning of the river in Chiprovci. No. 3: Capacity development in order to react in cases of a flood, which consists of three separate trainings for representatives of local authorities at the municipal level and representatives of local community councils, and for inhabitants of the villages at the highest risk of floods in Boljevac and Chiprovtsi, and of reserach on floods threats in the CB region, and elaboration of a new crisis action plan.

Envisaged project activities are purchase of work machines and a transportation vehicle planned for the works on the watercourses of rivers of the municipality of Boljevac; Study on the acting and elaboration of new crisis action plans in the CB region; Purchase of work machines for municipality of Chiprovci; Cleaning of тhe river banks in Ogosta river; Training for representatives of local authorities at the municipal level and representatives of local community councils from municipalities of Boljevac and Chiprovtsi; Training for inhabitants of the villages at the highest risk of floods in Boljevac and Chiprovtsi; Researches on threatened by floods areas in the CBC region.

Benefits to be achieved by this project are supported small-scale interventions / investments in green infrastructure for natural water retention - 1; Purchased specialised equipment related to disaster management, particularly for reducing the risk of flooding and decreasing the flood damage - 5; Increased capacity of local authorities and inhabitants to prevent floods, reduce flood-related damage, and to act safely and be safe in case of a flood.

Project website: http://www.preventchibo.org/


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Project summary:

The project is aiming at building sustainable capacity and join system for management and liquidation of consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the municipalities of Svoge and Merošina. The project will provide the necessary equipment, crete mechanisms for exchange of experience, joint actions and sharing of resources in the event of natural and man-made disasters in the border area.

The project envisages: joint risk assessment and preparation of plans and procedures for emergency situations; Supply of specialized firefighting equipment and equipment for flood prevention and search and rescue operations for Svoge Municipality; Supply of specialized firefighting equipment and equipment for flood prevention and search and rescue operations for Merošina Municipality; Implementation of joint theoretical-tactical exercises and field training for emergency management in Svoge; Implementation of joint theoretical-tactical exercises and field training for emergency management in Merošina; Study visits and exchange of experience for action in crisis situations and for overcoming the damage from floods and fires in Merošina; Study visits and exchange of experience for action in crisis situations and for overcoming the damage from floods and fires in Svoge.


Svetislav Pantic

Contact person: 
Svetislav Pantic
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management

Dejan Rancic

Contact person: 
Dejan Rancic
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection


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