
Процедура за подбор за длъжност Експерт мониторинг – профил „общ“





Министерството на регионалното развитие и благоустройството

с адрес: гр. София, ул. „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” 17-19,

тел. 02/9405 487, факс 02/987 07 37,


Second meeting of the Strategy board under the cross-border cooperation programme between Bulgaria and Serbia



How the projects will be selected for funding under Priority 2 "Integrated development of the border region" of the (INTERREG VI-A) IPA Bulgaria Serbia 2021-2027 Programme was the main topic of the second meeting of the Strategy board under the programme, held yesterday in Montana.

The members discussed and agreed on the basic approach of the Methodology for the identification of project ideas and the Guide for Application with concept notes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Revision of Guidelines for Pre-defined Applicants under the 1st Restricted Call for Strategic Proposal of the (INTERREG VI-A) IPA Bulgaria Serbia Programme


The Guidelines for Pre-defined Applicants under the 1st Restricted Call for Strategic Proposal of the (INTERREG VI-A) IPA Bulgaria Serbia Programme were amended by a decision of the Monitoring Committee from 16 March 2023.

The revised Guidelines for Pre-defined applicants can be found HERE.


You can contact the Joint Secretariat of the Programme for additional information:

Call for Strategic Project Proposal




Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria

(Managing Authority)

in cooperation with

Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia

Internal rules for irregularity management within the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate, version December 2022


Internal rules for irregularity management within the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria, version December 2022 are available HERE.

The European Commission approved the Cross-border cooperation Programme between Bulgaria and Serbia for the programming period 2021-2027


With the approval decision of the European Commission from November 22, 2022, the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG VI-A IPP Bulgaria - Serbia 2021-2027 will begin.

Over 38 million euros will be invested over the next 7 years in the districts of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Sofia, Pernik, Kyustendil on the territory of Bulgaria and Borski, Zaicharski, Pirotski, Niški, Toplichki, Yablanički, Pčinski in Serbia.

Simplified tender procedure for “Providing logistics and organisation for events related to the implementation of INTERREG-IPA cross-border cooperation programmes”


Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate within the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria (in its capacity of Managing Authority of the above-mentioned programmes) has published a tender dossier about a simplified procedure for  “Providing logistics and organisation for events related to the implementation of INTERREG-IPA cross-border cooperation programmes”.

The deadline for submitting the tender form to the contracting authority:

before 17:00 h Local time on 03.12.2022.

Покана към юридически лица с нестопанска цел за общественополезна дейност, чиито представители да участват в състава на Съвместните комитети за наблюдение на програмите за трансгранично сътрудничество, които България управлява в периода 2021 – 2027 г.


Управляващият орган (УО) на програмите за трансгранично сътрудничество България-Сърбия, България-Северна Македония и Българи-Турция кани следните групи юридически лица с нестопанска цел за общественополезна дейност (ЮЛНЦ), които да участват в Съвместните комитети за наблюдение:

 - организации, работещи в областта на защита на основните права, равенството между мъжете и жените, недискриминацията и равните възможности;

 - организации, работещи в сферата на социалното включване и интегрирането на маргинализираните групи;

 - организации за защита на околната среда;

Important information


Dear users and beneficiaries,

The Management Information System (MIS), Beneficiaries' Portal (BP) and the site will be temporarily unavailable due to technical reasons on 1st and 2nd of October 2022. We expect the system to be back online with estimated time 3rd of October  2022.


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