
Cancellation of Local open tender - "Supply of equipment"


Cancellation of Local open tender - "Supply of equipment", Lot № 3 : Supply of a surveillance drone, ref. 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-CB007.1.31.348-LP-TD2 in the project "Forest Fire Fighters (FFF)“ CB007.1.31.348. for Municipality of Boljevac

Additional information under supply tender procedure


Additional information under supply tender procedure "Purchase, elaboration and design of advertising materials”
Deadline for this tender procedure is 25.09.2017.

Award notice


Supplies contract award notice for contract „Supply of stage equipment" under the project “Improvement of intangible cultural heritage in the cross border region”, Publication reference CB007.1.11.118-LP-TD2. 



Supply of information kiosk, furniture and equipment for the needs of the Municipality of Oryahovo within project CB007.1.11.273

Location – Town of Oryahovo, Vratsa District, Bulgaria

Supplies contract award notice


Supplies contract award notice for contract „Supply of firefighting equipment under the project “Joint management of risks in the region - Niska Banja and Kostenets”, Publication reference: CB007.1.31.217-PP2-02/Su.

Announcement of Competitive Negotiated Procedure for supply of laptops and a multifunctional device


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection – Ministry of the Interior announces Competitive Negotiated Procedure for supply of laptops and a multifunctional device, Publication reference No CB007.1.31.189-SUP2-REV1.

Service contract for Organisation of events and accommodation


1. Reference
CB007.1.21.159 - S4 
Service contract for Organisation of events and accommodation within project “To BOND entrepreneurial learning with primary and secondary schools and universities with the aim of curricula enhancement and entrepreneurial competences improvement for the purpose of facilitation employment of young people”, project number CB007.1.21.159.

Supply of IT equipment


PUBLICATION REF.: CB007.1.31.247 – TD05

Please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:

Works tender procedure for Reconstruction works of the building of SCC


Works tender procedure for Reconstruction works of the building of SCC Publication reference: 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-CB007.1.11.273 – 2- PP2-WORKS (404-56/17-01)

Contract award notice


Contract award notice for tender"Supply of medical equipment and furniture for medical purpose", ref : 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-288-LP/TD4-1 for project "Prevention of the demographic collapse in the cross border region".


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