


CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE in relation to Contract title: Reconstruction of medieval fortress " Kale" (upper and middle town and part of down town) - PUBLISHED 10.02.2017, Publication reference: 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-124/LP-TD01.

Award Notices for the local open tender


Award Notices for the local open tender for "Supply of fire and flood equipment under the project "Joint management of risks in the region Niska Banja-Kostenetz", Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5, reference: CB007.1.31.217-004

“Supply of equipment for diagnostic centre for postural and musculoskeletal disorders"


Supply of equipment for diagnostic centre for postural and musculoskeletal disorders, for project “Development of diagnostic centres for postural and musculoskeletal disorders in school children in Serbia and Bulgaria”, project number CB007.1.21.129

CORRIGENDUM No: 1 for CB007.1.21.040- PP2-Works 1


to Contract notice and works tender dossier
Publication Ref: CB007.1.21.040- PP2-Works 1

Award notice for supply of specialized equipment


Award notices for all 4 Lots for Local open tender procedure for supply of specialized equipment for floods prevention in Gadzin Han under the project "Reducing flooding related risk through rehabilitqation of flood protection infrastructure in Dupnitsa and supply of specialized equipment for floods prevention in Gadzin Han", reference:CB007.1.316/004.

Competitive negotiated procedure for Construction of amusement “adrenalin” park in Pirot


Sport center Pirot announces Competitive negotiated procedure for Construction of amusement “adrenalin” park in Pirot town in Pirot, Pirot's district, Republic of Serbia, with financial assistance from the INTERREG IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia, First Call for proposals No 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1
Contract title : Construction of amusement “adrenalin”park in Pirot town
Publication reference : 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-143-PP2/TD01

Renovation of the ground floor and east façade of a municipal building at 33 Tsar Simeon Street, Vidin


Municipality of Vidin ​announces a tender procedure for “Renovation of the ground floor and east façade of a municipal building at 33 Tsar Simeon Street, Vidin” (works) with reference number CB007.1.21.129-2-WO-4. 

Deadline for submission of offers is 08.06.2017    17:00 h


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