
Service contract award notice


Municipality of Negotin announces service contract award notice for “Development of GIS systems for the needs of Negotin”, publication reference CB007.2.32.150-T05.

Tender procedure for supply of specialized vehicles with reference number CB007.2.31.131-T02 under project with code CB007.2.31.131


Procedure: Supply specialized vehicles

Publication reference: CB007.2.31.131-T02

Contracting authority: Municipality of Majdanpek

The deadline for submission of tenders is 16.08.2020, 12.00 o'clock. 


Tender procedure for supply of a minibus within project with code CB007.2.32.151 “Environmental education - a bridge for sustainable development of the cross border region” with reference number SUPP1/CB007.2.32.151/2020


Simplified tender procedure for supply of a minibus within project with code CB007.2.32.151 “Environmental education - a bridge for sustainable development of the cross border region”

Publication reference -SUPP1/CB007.2.32.151/2020

Contract title: Purchase of a minibus

Project code: CB007.2.32.151

Project name - Environmental education - a bridge for sustainable development of the cross border region

Date of launching: 24.06.2020

Simplified tender procedure for services - Organization of events with reference number CB007.2.12.056-A2 under project with code CB007.2.12.056


Name of the beneficiary: Association Manifesto
Project title: Tourism for Seniors, 55+ experiences
Project code: CB007.2.12.056
Description of the subject of the service: Simplified procedure for supply, type A2, with reference number: CB007.2.12.056-A2 and subject: Organization of events
Term for submission of offers: from 24.06.2020 until 27.07.2020, 12:00h CET


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