
Contract award notice for public procurement with reference number РД-02-29-95/16.05.2019-T05, "Construction works on Riverbeds in Municipality of Trgoviste" under project with code CB007.2.32.142


Contract award notice for public procurement with reference number РД-02-29-95/16.05.2019-T05, "Construction works on Riverbeds in Municipality of Trgoviste" under CB007.2.32.142 project "Preservation and restauration of CBC ecosystems through improvement of the quality of river waters and soils"

Simplified procedure for Supply of equipment for an Environmental education centre in the village of Slokoshtitsa, Kyustendil Municipality with reference number CB007.2.32.192/ PP1 – 05 under project CB007.2.32.192


Municipality of Kyustendil intends to award a contract for Supply of equipment for an Environmental education centre in the village of Slokoshtiza, Kyustendil Municipality under CB007.2.32.192 project financed under the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Bulgaria-Serbia 2014-2020 Programme, Call for Proposals No. 2014TC16I5CB007 – 2018 – 2.

Corrigendum No. 2 in frame of tender procedure "Construction works on Riverbeds in Municipality of Trgoviste" with reference: РД-02-29-95/16.05.2019-T05 under project with code CB007.2.32.142


Corrigendum No. 2 in frame of tender procedure "Construction works on Riverbeds in Municipality of Trgoviste" with reference: РД-02-29-95/16.05.2019-T05 under project "Preservation and restauration of CBC ecosystems through improvement of the quality of river waters and soils" with code: CB007.2.32.142.

Contracting Authority: Municipality of Trgovište, Kralja Petra Prvog 4, 17525 Trgovište, Republic of Serbia

Претходно Oбавештење о намери спровођења рестриктивног поступка за услуге за „Организовање догађаја у оквиру Интеррег-ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње 2014-2020, којим управља Република Бугарска“


Дирекција за управљање територијалном сарадњом у Министарству регионалног развоја и јавних радова Републике Бугарске (у својству Управљачког тела за поменуте програме) објавила је рестриктивни поступак за пружање услуга за „Организовање догађаја у оквиру Интеррег-ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње 2014-2020, којим управља Република Бугарска “

Corrigendum, Meeting Minutes and Questions and answers under project CB007.2.32.142, Reference: РД-02-29-95/16.05.2019-T05


Corrigendum, Meeting Minutes and Questions and answers under procedure: Construction works on Riverbeds in Municipality of Trgovište with reference: РД-02-29-95/16.05.2019-T05, part of the project "Preservation and restauration of CBC ecosystems through improvement of the quality of river waters and soils" with project number: CB007.2.32.142.

Contracting Authority: Municipality of Trgovište, Kralja Petra Prvog 4, 17525 Trgovište, Republic of Serbia

Date of announcement: 26/03/2020

Simplified procedure for services, type A2, with ref.: CB007.2.13.212-VR Guides and subject: Development of virtual reality Guides for windows, web, mobile phones and virtual reality glasses for Baba Vida fortress within project CB007.2.13.212.


Name of the beneficiary and project: Association Regional partnerships for sustainable development - Vidin, project “Virtual reality and education for tourism development”, project number: CB007.2.13.212.

Description of the subject of the service: Simplified procedure for services, type A2, with ref.: CB007.2.13.212-VR Guides and subject: Development of virtual reality Guides for windows, web, mobile phones and virtual reality glasses for Baba Vida fortress

Term for submission of offers: From 19.03.2020 until 19.04.2020, 17:00 o’clock EET

Contract award notice for public procurement for the tender procedure Supply of Vehicle for hand loading of garbage for the project CB007.2.32.079 with reference CB007.2.32.079-T03


Contract Award Notice for the tender procedure Supply of Vehicle for hand loading of garbage for the project CB007.2.32.079 with reference CB007.2.32.079-T03
Beneficiary: City of Bor
Project: “Field laboratories for examination of the quality of water and soils”
Code: CB007.2.32.079

Simplified competitive procedure for Supply with publication reference: CB007.2.32.079 -BL 5.2.6-Supply02 with subject: Supply of Multifunctional truck for cleaning of polluted areas and delivery of samples under project CB007.2.32.079


Boychinovtsi Municipality announces a Simplified competitive procedure for Supply with publication reference: CB007.2.32.079 -BL 5.2.6-Supply02 with subject: Supply of Multifunctional truck for cleaning of polluted areas and delivery of samples under project CB007.2.32.079 “Field laboratories for examination of the quality of water and soils” funded under Interreg – IPA-CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme, CCI № 2014TC16I5CB007.

The tender dossier is available on http://www.boychinovtsi.bg/ and in the attachment below.


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