
Contract award notice for “Promotion of Niš Fortress with modern technologies” simplified procedure, publication reference number CB007.2.11.204/T02


Contract award notice for “Promotion of Niš Fortress with modern technologies” simplified procedure, publication reference number CB007.2.11.204/T02 within project with code CB007.2.11.204 “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Nis”

Simplified tender procedure for services, type A2, with reference number CB007.2.13.076 - Organisation of events and subject: Organisation of events within project “Sailing on the Danube”, project code: CB007.2.13.076


Name of the beneficiary: Tourist Association Bononia - Vidin
Name of the project: “Sailing on the Danube”, project code CB007.2.13.076
Description of the subject of the service: Simplified procedure for services, type A2, with reference number: CB007.2.13.076 - Organisation of events and subject: Organisation of events within project “Sailing on the Danube”, project code CB007.2.13.076.
Term for submission of offers: From 01.06.2020 until 01.07.2020, 17:00 o’clock EET

Contract award notice for simplified tender procedure for supply of equipment for an environmental education center in the village of Slokoshtitsa, Kyustendil Municipality with reference number CB007.2.32.192/PP-05


Contract award notice for simplified tender procedure for supply of equipment for an environmental education center in the village of Slokoshtitsa, Kyustendil Municipality with reference number CB007.2.32.192/PP-05 under project with code CB007.2.32.192 “Green cross border settlements – a better learning experience”



Tender procedure for development of GIS systems for the needs of Negotin with reference number CB007.2.32.150-T05 under project with code CB007.2.32.150


Project title: ”Sustainable eco friendly region”

Project code: CB007.2.32.150

Contract title: Development of GIS systems for the needs of Negotin

Reference number: CB007.2.32.150-T05

Date of launching: 18.05.2020

Tender procedure for supply of all-terrain cross over vehicle with reference number РД-02-29-82/16.05.2019/PUC Tender 02 under project with code CB007.2.31.178


Project title: Setting up of a System for Prevention and Early Warning of Floods

Project code: CB007.2.31.178

Contract title: All-terrain vehicle

Reference number: РД-02-29-82/16.05.2019/PUC Tender 02

Date of launching: 13.05.2020

Oбавештење о спровођењу рестриктивног поступка за услуге за „Организовање догађаја у оквиру Интеррег-ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње 2014-2020, којим управља Република Бугарска“


Дирекција за управљање територијалном сарадњом у Министарству регионалног развоја и јавних радова Републике Бугарске (у својству Управљачког тела за поменуте програме) објавила је рестриктивни поступак за пружање услуга за „Организовање догађаја у оквиру Интеррег-ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње 2014-2020, којим управља Република Бугарска “

Крајњи рок за достављање пријава уговорном телу је 15.06.2020 до 17:30 часова, по локалном времену.

Simplified tender procedure for Organization of project events with reference number CB007.2.11.204/T03 under project with code CB007.2.11.204


Project title: “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Nis”

Project code: CB007.2.11.204

Tender title: Organization of project events

Reference number: CB007.2.11.204/T03

Date of launching: 30.04.2020

Simplified tender procedure for Promotion of Niš Fortress with modern technologies with reference number CB007.2.11.204/T02 under project with code CB007.2.11.204


Project title: “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Nis”

Project code: CB007.2.11.204

Tender title: Promotion of Niš Fortress with modern technologies

Reference number: CB007.2.11.204/T02

Date of launching: 22.04.2020

Simplified service tender procedure for Cleaning of landfills with reference number CB007.2.32.079-T04 under project with code CB007.2.32.079


Project title: “Field laboratories for examination of the quality of water and soils”

Project code: CB007.2.32.079

Tender title: “Cleaning of landfills”

Reference number: CB007.2.32.079-T04

Date of launching: 15.04.2020


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