Simplified tender procedure "Promoting of South Park Mausoleum with modern technologies“ with reference number CB007.2.11.204 - PP3 – BL.4.9.2 under project No. CB007.2.11.204 “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Nis”


Association “Love and Light” awards a works contract for Promoting of South Park Mausoleum with modern technologies under project No. CB007.2.11.204 “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Nis”.

The tender dossier is available at the website of the Association “Love and Light”: and is also published on the Interreg IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme website:

The deadline for submission of tenders is 17:00 Local Time on 16.11.2020.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme website: and the website of Association “Love and Light”:



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