
Announcement of contract award notice


Faculty of Occupational Safety in Nis announces contract award notice for Lot No. 1 for tender procedure „Procurement of IT equipment and classroom furniture“ publication reference CB007.1.31.126-PP3-TD7 under the project “Joint Training Programme for Forest Fire Prevention and Management”.

Municipality of Botevgrad announces Local open procedure CB007.1.21.066-LP-BL5-Supply 3


Municipality of Botevgrad announces Local open procedure CB007.1.21.066-LP-BL5-Supply 3 for Supply of sport and technical equipment under the project “We invest in sport for career development of young people – the motive power of smart growth and cohesion between the Municipalities of Botevgrad and Leskovac” under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Programme.
Deadline for submission of tenders is 02.03.2018, 12:00 EET.

Reconstruction of common school yard. Referential publication: CB007.1.21.040-LP-TD2-1


The City Municipality of Crveni Krst from Niš award a contract for work for the reconstruction of a common school yard of College of Applied Technical Sciences, Mechanical Technical School 15.May, Technical School for Transport 12.February and Neimar in Nis, Nisavski district, Republic of Serbia, financially supported by the INTERREG IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia program, within the first Call for Proposals 2014TC16I5CB007.

Announcement of Competitive Negotiated Procedure for delivery of office furniture for Alternative National Operational Centre (ANOC)


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection – Ministry of the Interior announce Competitive Negotiated Procedure for delivery of office furniture for Alternative National Operational Centre (ANOC) Ref. No. CB007.1.31.126-2-SU-2-REV1.

Supplies contract award notice for “Supply of laboratory and technological equipment and Delivery of a drilling installation equipment” within Project No CB007.1.32.361: Joint cross border initiatives for creation of eco friendly region


Association “Technological Institute of Aquaculture” announces Supplies contract award notice for Supply of laboratory and technological equipment and Delivery of a drilling installation equipment” within Project No CB007.1.32.361: Joint cross border initiatives for creation of eco friendly region; Priority Axis: Environment; Specific Objective 3.2 Nature Protection; Type of project: Investment, financed by the European Union, in accordance with the rules of Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Programme CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB007, Publication reference: CB007.1.32.361/PP1/SUPPLY-02

Supplies contract award notice for “Supply of equipment for transport of waste from illegal dumps to legal landfills within project CB007.1.31.304 for the needs of Municipality of Vidin”


Municipality of Vidin announces Supplies contract award notice for “Supply of equipment for transport of waste from illegal dumps to legal landfills within project CB007.1.31.304 for the needs of Municipality of Vidin”
Publication reference: CB007.1.31.304-LP-Supply 2 within project CB007.1.31.304 "Prevention and mitigation of consequences of man-made cross-border disasters in the region Vidin-Zajecar", financed under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme 

Contract notice for Experts and Therapists tender CB007.1.21.129-1-SE-5


Sports Association of Knjazevac announces Contract notice for Experts and Therapists tender CB007.1.21.129-1-SE-5 for project “Development of diagnostic centres for postural and musculoskeletal disorders in school children in Serbia and Bulgaria”, project number CB007.1.21.129

Service Contract Award Notice for “Organization of events within project CB007.1.31.304 for the needs of Municipality of Vidin”


Municipality of Vidin announces Service Contract Award Notice for “Organization of events within project CB007.1.31.304 for the needs of Municipality of Vidin” in 4 lots:
Lot 1: Rent of hall and audio/video equipment, catering and accommodation for participants in events within project CB007.1.31.304
Lot 2: Travel for events within project CB007.1.31.304
Lot 3: Consumables and preparation of materials within project CB007.1.31.304

Announcement of contract award notice


Faculty of Occupational Safety in Nis announces contract award notice for tender procedure „Procurement of specialized software and specialized laboratory equipment“ publication reference CB007.1.31.126-PP3-TD6 under the project “Joint Training Programme for Forest Fire Prevention and Management”.


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