
Simplified tender procedure for Consultancy services for developing e-marketing promotional tool under project “The Magic of Synergies”


Municipality of Elin Pelin intends to award a service contract for „Consultancy services for developing e-marketing promotional tool – Joint Smart Tourism Platform for the implementation of the project CB007.2.12.002  “The Magic of Synergies” in the City of Elin Pelin.

Local open procedure for supply of one background loader within project CB007.2.32.199 "Embrace Nature"


The Municipality of Bobov Dol intends to award a supply contract for the supply, maintenance and warranty service of one backhoe loader in Bobov Dol, Bulgaria with publication reference: CB007.2.32 .199-SUPPLY-2.

The tender dossier is available from the website of the Contracting authority: http://www.bobovdol.eu/, the Interreg IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme website: http://www.ipacbc-bgrs.eu/bg/tenders.

Simplified tender procedure for Supply of technological equipment for hatchery for endangered sturgeon fish species and educational center in Bulgaria, Dolno Belotintsi village, Montana Municipality under project CB007.2.32.150


Association “Technological Institute of Aquaculture” intends to award a supply contract for Supply of technological equipment for hatchery for endangered sturgeon fish species and educational center in Bulgaria, Dolno Belotintsi village, Montana Municipality within project number CB007.2.32.150 “Sustainable eco friendly region” funded under Interreg – IPA- CBC Bulgaria- Serbia Programme 2014-2020, CCI № 2014TC16I5CB007-2, Publication reference: CB007.2.32.150 – PP1-SUPPLY- 01-III

Works contract award notice for simplified tender procedure under reference number CB007.2.11.098-WO1.1


Description of the subject of the service: Construction works in front of the sport-business centre in Bojnik Municipality of Bojnik, Jablanica district, Republic of Serbia

Publication reference: CB007.2.11.098-WO1.1

Contracting authority: Municipality of Bojnik, Jablanica district, Republic of Serbia

Project number: CB007.2.11.098

Simplified tender procedure for Small scale constructions for the needs of Municipality of Botevgrad under project CB007.2.11.224 with 3 lots


Municipality of Botevgrad intends to award work contracts for Small scale constructions for the needs of Municipality of Botevgrad under project CB007.2.11.224 with 3 lots:

LOT 1: Exhibition and Socialization of the Clock Tower in Botevgrad under project CB007.2.11.224;

LOT 2: Exterior promoting center in Botevgrad under project CB007.2.11.224;

Cancellation notice for Small scale constructions for the needs of Municipality of Botevgrad with reference number CB007.2.11.224 – LP


Cancellation notice for the tender procedure for Small scale constructions for the needs of Municipality of Botevgrad under project CB007.2.11.224, with reference number CB007.2.11.224 – LP - Works 1.

Contract Award Notice for tender procedure for the Development of a technical project for reconstruction of the fortress, Niš with reference number CB007.2.11.204/T05


Contract Award Notice for tender procedure for the Development of a technical project for reconstruction of the fortress, Niš with reference number CB007.2.11.204/T05 under project with number CB007.2.11.204.

Date of conclusion of the contract:16.01.2021.

Name of the contractor: Page Consortium doo.


Simplified tender procedure for supply of ICT equipment with reference number CB007.2.22.227/T3 under project CB007.2.22.227


High school "St. Kyril and Methodius" intends to award a supply contract for Supply of ICT equipment in Dimitrovgrad.

Project number: CB007.2.22.227 

Project name: Youth digital spaces

The deadline for submission of tenders is 22.02.2021 – 12.00 h local time.

PUC "Mediana" Nis announces Local open tender "Supply of machinery" within project ref. no CB007.2.32.199


PUC "Mediana" Nis announces Local open tender "Supply of machinery" within project ref. no CB007.2.32.199


Contracting Authority: PUC "Mediana" Nis
Name of the project: EMBRACE NATURE
Project ref. number: CB007.2.32.199
Reference number: 2020002
Date of publication 31/12/2020


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